3035 Van Reed Rd,Sinking Spring, PA
CALL US:(610) 678-9779
Sinking Spring, PA

Please Read

By becoming a member of Wilshire Pool you agree to release all future claims of liability from Wilshire Pool (Wilshire Recreation Association). And to HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY WILSIRE POOL / WILSHIRE RECREATION ASSOCIATION from any and all liability to property, or personal injury to, any third party, resulting from the use of the pool or pool area.

Pool Rules

-No running or horse ply on the pool deck.
-Children 12 years and younger are required to be accompanied by a responsible person, 14 years or older.
-No foul language.
-Proper swimming attire MUST be worn.
-Running, pushing, causing undue disturbance, or any misconduct that may endanger the welfare of self or other patrons is prohibited.
-Flotation devices will be permitted in shallow water at the guard or board members discretion.
-Diving is ONLY permitted in the diving well.
-Admission to the pool can be refused to any person having an open wound or any communicable disease.
-Infants and children not toilet trained must wear snug plastic pants or swim diaper under swimsuits. NO regular diapers!
-Spitting and blowing of nose is not permitted into pool or on pool deck.
-Ball play is prohibited on the pool deck.
-Food and drinks are permitted at tables, benches, and grassy areas.
-Glass or breakable items are NOT permitted on pool grounds.
-ALL injuries that occur on pool property MUST be reported to a guard, manager, or board member when it occurs.
-No Bluetooth speakers permitted.
-Pool may be subject to closure if the number of patrons drops below 5.
-Alcohol is not permitted on pool grounds.
-Wilshire pool and Wilshire Recreation Association are not responsible for any lost or stollen items.

Diving Board Rules

-Only one person allowed on diving board at a time. Waiting diver must wait on ground until prior diver is in the water.
-No cartwheels, handstands, or hanging off the diving boards.
-Only one bounce on the board is allowed before diving.
-Divers must swim directly to the nearest ladder or exit diving well after diving.
-No swimming or diving from deck to diving well is permitted when board are in use.
-Wait before prior diver has cleared the area before diving.
-Adjustment of the diving board fulcrums is to be done by a guard or board member.
-Pool staff reserve the right to restrict any dives for safety concerns.

Opening Day 2024 Countdown


Are We There Yet?

This site is created and maintained by Wilshire Recreation Association.   Site Admin: Jon O’Neil